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What are the hazards of myopia without glasses for a long time


Once diagnosed with myopia, it must be corrected in time. It can be treated by wearing glasses or by surgery. Both can achieve the corrective effect. The specific choice depends on the actual situation of the patient. Can not choose blindly, so as not to affect the recovery of vision. In most cases, wearing glasses is a more convenient and suitable way. If you are short-sighted but do not wear glasses, it may cause a series of hazards. The details are as follows:

1. Affect work and study

Due to incorrect use of eyes, many elementary and middle school students suffer from myopia. If they do not wear glasses for a long time, they will not be able to see the blackboard and listen carefully. This will gradually affect their studies and result in a decline in performance. If you are an office worker, you will not be able to see the content of your work on the computer screen and you will not be able to work normally.

2, safety hazards

The typical symptom of myopia is blurry vision, inability to see far away scenes, and a little carelessness will lead to safety risks. Therefore, it is very important to wear glasses after myopia, to protect your own safety and health.

3, the degree is getting deeper and deeper

The typical hazard of myopia without glasses for a long time is the gradual decline of vision, which may develop into high myopia, which seriously affects the patient's eye health. In layman’s terms, if you don’t wear glasses if you are nearsighted, your eyes will not be able to see things clearly and you can’t help but adjust. At this time, your eyes will become very tired. Accumulation forms a vicious circle, which eventually leads to a faster increase in the degree. Because of involuntary adjustment, your visual function will also become disordered. It may cause abnormal adjustment sensitivity, decreased adjustment range, and so on. If you don’t wear glasses, you may squint your eyes when you look at things, and it’s easy to cause astigmatism if you close your eyes.

4. Headache

Myopia without glasses may also cause headaches. This is mainly because the eyesight needs to be confirmed repeatedly when seeing things, which can easily lead to optic nerve fatigue. In severe cases, it will involve the head and cause headaches.

Scientific correction must be done after myopia, otherwise it will cause a series of harm. Especially for myopia patients with low degrees, we must remember to wear glasses for a long time to reduce the harm outside the disease. In addition, during treatment, patients should pay attention to a scientific diet and eat more calcium-containing foods, such as milk, legumes, dried shrimps, etc. Appropriate consumption can help strengthen the toughness of the sclera and relieve symptoms. In addition, patients should pay attention to eye hygiene, avoid eye fatigue, and maintain the correct posture when reading and writing. Do not read in a dark place. Making these adjustments will help restore vision.